Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction to Product Management

    • Introduction

    • What is Product Management

    • Start Brainstorming Ideas

    • Exercise Worksheet - Brainstorm Using Popplet

    • Tips for Navigating This course

    • A Day in the Life of a Product Manager

    • Section 1 Discussion Board

  • 2

    2. The Product Development Process

    • Recap of Section 1

    • Product Life Cycle Part 1 - Development, Introduction, Growth

    • Product Life Cycle Part 2 - Maturity, Decline

    • Product Development Process

    • The Differences Between Waterfall Development and Agile Development

    • Section 2 Discussion Board

  • 3

    3. How to Come Up with a Killer Product Idea

    • Recap of Section 2

    • Why Do Products Fail?

    • How to "Discover" Your Product

    • Learn the Tool - Refine Your Product Idea with a NFB Table

    • Exercise - Find the Problem and Identify the Pain

    • Exercise Worksheet - Find the Problem and Identify the Pain

    • Discover Hidden Product Insight by Interviewing Users

    • Exercise - Interview Your Users

    • Exercise Worksheet - Interview Your Users

    • Section 3 Discussion Board

  • 4

    4. Finding a Market Fit

    • Recap of Section 3

    • Learn the Tool - Use SWOT Analysis to Understand the Market Landscape

    • Exercise - Do a SWOT Analysis on Dropbox

    • Exercise Worksheet - Do a SWOT Analysis on Dropbox

    • Compare Answers - Do a SWOT Analysis on Dropbox

    • Make Your Product Stand Out by Doing a Competitive Analysis

    • Discover How Big Your Opportunity is by Sizing the Market

    • Exercise Worksheet - Size the Market

    • Accelerate Your Product's Growth by Spotting Key Trends

    • Section 4 Discussion Board

  • 5

    5. Case Study - The NASA App

    • Recap of Section 4

    • The Ideation Process of the NASA App

    • How I Pitched the NASA App Idea to Stakeholders with a Vision Deck

    • Lesson Learned - The Importance of Driving Vision

    • Product Teardown - NASA App Classic vs NASA App Modern

    • Section 5 Discussion Board

  • 6

    6. Building Empathy to Relate to Your Users

    • Recap of Section 5

    • Learn the Tool - Build Empathy by Making Personas

    • Common Mistakes When Making Personas

    • Video Story as Personas

    • Exercise - Make a Persona

    • Exercise Worksheet - Make a Persona

    • Learn the Tool - Build Empathy by Making an Empathy Map

    • Exercise - Create an Empathy Map

    • Exercise Worksheet - Create an Empathy Map

    • Section 6 Discussion Board

  • 7

    7. Testing and Validating Your Product Idea

    • Recap of Section 6

    • Introduction to Lean Product Design

    • Test Your Product Hypothesis by Designing Experiments

    • Test by Smoke Selling

    • Test by Making a Product Demo Video

    • Test by Using the Concierge Method

    • Why It's More Important to be Data Informed than Data Driven

    • Exercise - Test Your Product Hypothesis

    • Exercise Worksheet - Test Your Product Hypothesis

    • Section 7 Discussion Board

  • 8

    8. Shaping the Product

    • Recap of Section 7

    • How Apple Creates Laser Focused Products

    • Learn How to Create a Feature Backlog

    • Learn the Tool - Manage a Feature Backlog Using Pivotal Tracker

    • Exercise - Create a Feature Backlog

    • Exercise Worksheet - Create a Feature Backlog Using Pivotal Tracker

    • Section 8 Discussion Board

  • 9

    9. How to Make Beautiful Wireframes

    • Recap of Section 8

    • Introduction to Wireframing

    • Exercise Worksheet - Download and Install Axure

    • Learn the Tool - Learn How to Wireframe Using Axure - Part 1

    • Exercise Worksheet- Learn How to Wireframe Using Axure - Part 1

    • Learn How to Save Time When Wireframing by Using Masters

    • Learn the Tool - Learn How to Wireframe Using Axure - Part 2

    • Exercise Worksheet - Learn How to Wireframe Using Axure - Part 2

    • Exercise - Create an Interactive Prototype for Your Product Idea

    • How to Use Wireframes and Prototypes Effectively During Development

    • Make Your Product Super Intuitive Through User Testing

    • Exercise Worksheet - Create an Interactive Prototype for Your Product Idea

    • Section 9 Discussion Board

  • 10

    10. How to Write Great User Stories

    • Recap of Section 9

    • Introduction to User Stories

    • 10.3 qualities of great stories

    • 10.4 Exercise

    • 10.5 learn how to prioritize stories using assumption testing

    • 10.6 learn how to prioritize stories using BUC

    • 10.7 learn how to prioritize stories using MoSCoW

    • 10.8 learn how to estimate stories

    • Section 10 Discussion Board

  • 11

    11. Product Management Leadership

    • 11.1 recap of section 10

    • 11.2 introduction to product management leadership

    • 11.3 learn how to lead developers

    • 11.4 learn how to lead designers

    • 11.5 learn how to manage stakeholders

    • Section 11 Discussion Board